Welcome to the Gerroa Boat Fishing Club
Welcome to the Fishing Club of the Gerroa Boat Fisherman’s Club. Established in 1967 by local and holidaying fishermen, the club offers members with a variety of fishing opportunities, social events and local fishing information. All anglers (estuary, ocean, rock and beach) are able to become fishing members of the club.The Gerroa Boat Fishermans club currently has 26 boats fishing in its club competition, but you don’t necessarily need a boat to fish, all anglers (including children) are able to compete in the monthly competition. Club membership is essential for adults and is only $5 per annum. A fisheries fishing license is essential for anyone over 18 years of age to be able to fish .Fishing competitions are held on the first weekend of each month as well as an annual ladies day and kids day competition. ( see competition rules on the menu toolbar). A BBQ is held at weigh-ins and partners and children are most welcome. Points and a prize are awarded at each weigh in for the following;
- Best average boat catch
- Best boat catch
- Best Flathead
- Best other fish
- Best Junior catch
Twice a year the club competes against two other local fishing clubs and an annual “weekend away” fishing trip is also held.
Interested in coming fishing with us? Go to “New Members” on the tool bar for more information on how to join.